Welcome to the ICJ!!!

It’s our distinct pleasure to welcome you all to the International Court of Justice! The ICJ at BMUN is a unique specialized committee where fast-moving debate and exciting witness testimony make participation a truly exciting experience.

The ICJ operates with court-style procedure where delegates debate and rule on a contentious case between two countries. This year, we will be examining Georgia v. Russian Federation: Application of the International Convention On the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. This case, which was submitted to the court by Georgia in 2008, has far reaching implications for the future of international law and presents a unique conceptual challenge. We hope that you have as much fun researching this intriguing case as we did! However interesting the case may be, it still deals with many aspects of international law and will require you to research this topic thoroughly in order to come up with effective legal arguments. More detailed information about the case and committee as a whole can be found here at our committee page at bmun.org. You’ll find the Executive Summary, Topic Synopsis, and Position Paper guidelines available for your use at the website. The Topic Synopsis will be instrumental in starting your research and following the nuances of the case. Be on the lookout for more information on the blog and good luck with your research! If you have any questions feel free to shoot us an email at icjlxvii@bmun.org. We’re incredibly excited to meet you all in March! Sincerely, Ashwin H. Srikanth Head Chair, ICJ, BMUN LXVII


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