Vice Chair Introductions: Ali Maloney

Hey everyone!  My name is Ali Maloney, and I will be serving as one of your vice chairs for this session of BMUN.  This marks my third year in a row on a court-style committee at BMUN, and hopefully after conference you'll see why I haven't been able to pull myself away.  I'm currently a third-year studying English Literature at UC Berkeley but am originally from Greenwich, Connecticut.  Outside of BMUN, I'm an editor for the Berkeley Fiction Review, a short fiction publication on campus and in my spare time enjoy skiing, reading, trying new foods, and dancing alone in my room to early 2000s hip hop.  I hope to attend law school after graduating from Berkeley, so the ICJ is of particular interest to me: it represents the intersection between law and international relations.  I'm especially interested in how international law treaties and protocols are actually implemented in practice and whether or not they are sufficient for establishing the justice lawmakers hope to see in the world, so our topic is certainly one case study of this question legal scholars continue to examine. 
Please always feel free to reach out to me or any of us if you have questions about our committee, our topic, the conference, or academic or college advice in general; we've been in your shoes before and are more than eager to help.  I'm so excited to be sharing my last BMUN with you all and can't wait to meet you in March!




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